There are 3 reasons why you should never postpone furnace repair. If you feel the need to be thrifty with your money, please read on and learn how it could cost you far more in the long run when that furnace repair in Buffalo, NY will inevitably come due.

  1. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is a possibility:

This is a deadly risk in any home. When you have a furnace that is not working up to par, carbon monoxide could start leaking into your home at any time. This is one of the risks associated with a furnace repair being postponed.

  1. Coil Frozen:

The evaporator coils freeze when they are not adequately defrosting. If you are experiencing problems with your furnace, it’s probably because the evaporator coils are frozen over which means that they need to be thawed out. When this problem persists for too long, you will end up blowing a fuse or burning out a motor. It would be far better to do preventative maintenance now, rather than to pay for major repairs later or spend on new furnace installation in Lancaster, NY.

  1. Your furnace is not working as efficiently as it should:

If you are experiencing high electric bills, increased wear on your heating system, or other problems with your furnace, this could be a sign that you need to do some routine maintenance or have a professional take a look at your furnace. When you postpone a furnace tune-up Lancaster, NY service call, you will wind up with a much more costly problem that may have been prevented.


You understand how serious it is to let a furnace go for too long, but you may be wondering what can you do to prevent this problem from occurring?

Having a professional come and take care of your annual inspections and tune-ups will greatly extend the life of your furnace and keep it working. Smart Home Heating & Cooling is here to make sure that you are comfortable with your furnace repair in Lancaster, NY, or maintenance visits. Contact us today at 716-272-1890.